
The Power of Listening

Listening to people has proved to be an essential tool for me. As the leader of a group I have felt the need to develop a good ear ( This is absolutly paradoxical if I consider my hearing problem!!) I absolutly think that listening  to my colleagues is, apart from reflection, another interesting way to grow.
Listening to my partners seems to have a double benefit. On the one hand everyone needs to be heard and understood,it is in this way that we get to know each other. I think that teachers should feel that their opinions are respected  and considered regardless of whether we end up agreeing or not.I have always tried to build this kind of working community. Teachers know they can come up to me and express their thoughts, put forward whatever they consider reasonably. I am convinced that having this possibility may motivate them to suggest some new ideas and projects, and at the same time it may help them develop a sense of belonging.
On the other hand, considering what people say, gives me a broader view. Sometimes I may think or believe that certain things should be on one way and reality in the classroom may show something different, teachers are the ones that can account for this.
 I listen.
 I also have the need to be listened to.This is not easy for everyone, and I feel that for some people this is a hard job! Sometimes it is difficult to listen,to reflect on what is being said and what is more, to be open-minded enough so as to change your mind and say: You may be right.
I would like to work with people who are good listeners and make the effort to see the world through the eyes of others, people who can reflect , people who can show capacity for empathy. People who can learn a lot from listening...

"A good listener tries to understand what the other person is saying. In the end he may disagree sharply, but because he disagrees, he wants to know exactly what it is he is disagreeing with."
Kenneth A. Wells